Eva Zonnios Children's Author

Eva Zonnios is a children's author who combines her background in graphic art with her love for storytelling.

With a natural talent for expressing emotions through both images and words, Eva's journey from graphic artist to writer has been a seamless and fulfilling transition.

Writing, for Eva, is a gateway from thoughts to expression. Her passion for visual art led her to initially create picture book stories, allowing her to continue enjoying the art experience. However, as her love for writing grew, she naturally progressed into producing longer written pieces.

Eva's books captivate young readers with their engaging stories and vibrant characters. Some of her popular works include "Jemima WOW!", "A Bear's Story", and "Dreamer's Garden". Her writing style resonates with both children and adults, as her stories touch upon universal themes and emotions.

Eva's dedication to her craft is evident in the positive feedback she has received from readers. Her books have been praised for their ability to address common fears, inspire serenity, and spark the imagination of young minds.

Stay updated with Eva Zonnios' latest works by visiting her official author site and checking out her upcoming events. Whether you're a longtime fan or discovering Eva's books for the first time, you're sure to be captivated by her enchanting storytelling and beautiful illustrations.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to get your free eBook from Eva Zonnios. Sign up today and have her captivating poems delivered straight to your inbox.

The author has done an excellent job in telling the readers that being afraid is OK as it is a normal feeling. Most highly recommended.




I loved it from the first page to the last.
I recommend this book for older people as well as children!!



Mima Azalea May

The images and the text are delightful in this book written for children 0 to 8. Just imagine...waking up from a long winter's nap, and you are not little any....



Werecat 2

Jemima WOW! is a story in a wonderfully creative world with vibrant characters that was a fantastic read from start to finish.


Scarlett Rose

Children's Author/Illustrator
Eva Zonnios

  • A Bear's Story

  • Dreamer's Garden

  • Jemima WOW!

  • The Merchant & The Knight

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Meet Eva Zonnios

I was a graphic artist before I became a writer. I would never have believed that they could be so closely interlinked or that I would ever enjoy writing the way I do now. But the route from the beginning to my current place in the writer's world was clearcut and seemed to be such a natural path.

My enthusiasm for showing emotion through images began to feel just as powerful when it came to expressing that emotion through the use of words. The more I educated myself in the correct usage of words, the more I enjoyed the process of writing and the creation of art through it.

These days my writing involves fiction, non-fiction and online writing in the marketing world. In all cases, I see writing as the gateway from thoughts to expression.

When I first started writing children's fiction I created picture book stories so that I could still enjoy my visual art experience.

But now my focus is on producing an ongoing flow of longer written pieces this, once again, seems to be the most natural progression for my art.


Pop by every now and then to see what I'm working on.

In January, I will be interviewed on a US TV channel, talking about my children's books. During the interview, I will also be presenting another book... Jemima WOW!

Jemima WOW! is an adventure novel for children 8 - 12 years.

Lose yourself in the float-zone world, with Jemima WOW!

Travel along with Jemima as she enters an alternate dimension and has the chance to become a real hero and help save her world from a terrible fate.


Dreamers Garden is available on this page for free for a limited time.

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